What is Sylfirm X?

Sylfirm X is the most recent advancement in radiofrequency micro-needling technology.  The benefits of micro-needling are paired with Radio Frequency skin tightening technology to leave you with a youthful glow. Sylfirm X addresses melasma, rosacea, loss of elasticity and collagen, and scarring, including acne scarring.  It only reacts to abnormal blood vessels and tissue to selectively treat increased pigmentation and vascular lesions in addition to traditional skin tightening which is what RF Microneedling has been known for. 
It is FDA approved for eyelids and safe for women of all colors.

Sylfirm X Benefits

• Minimizes wrinkles
• Tightens and lifts the skin and lower face sagging
• Lifts brows
• Tightens eyelid crepe skin
• Reduces tired under-eye wrinkles and fine lines
• Minimizes pores and acne scars
• Gets rid of small pockets of unwanted facial fat such as jowls, puffy nasolabial folds, or fullness under the chin area
• Reduces the appearance of “necklace lines” from looking down at the phone or genetically prone prominent horizontal neck lines.
• Reduces the redness from rosacea
• Targets the vascular component of melasma, basically cutting off its blood supply and lighting the pigmentation
• Treats active inflammatory acne
• Reduces stretch marks
• Promotes scalp circulation

Sylfirm X Costs

On average, a session of Sylfirm X treatment ranges from $400 to $1,200. The total cost of your treatment depends on the area treated and the number of sessions required.

How does a Sylfirm X treatment work?

Using an electronically controlled hand piece, the system uses 25 ultra-fine gold-plated needles to pierce the skin and deliver radio frequency energy (heat) below the skin’s surface without damaging the outer layer of the skin. The system applies a precise energy level with each pass to ensure the RF micro-needling penetrates to the correct depth to provide optimal results. The controlled micro-injuries created by the treatment result in up regulation in collagen production. This increase in collagen production leads to tighter, younger-looking skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

A method of introducing a controlled wound into the skin induces growth factors, new collagen, and elastin. It can be used on all skin types to address fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and acne scarring.

Radio Frequency provides heat that stimulates collagen production which has been found to lead to tighter, younger-looking skin.

When you are pregnant, it is not recommended to receive laser treatments or other energy-based treatments such as HIFU or radio frequency skin tightening treatments, as there isn’t enough information on their effects. Likewise, treatments like Botox and Fillers are not recommended for the same reason.

Three treatments a month apart for most patients will provide the best results. We recommend a one-month gap between treatments to allow the skin to heal. A yearly maintenance treatment is required to maintain results. Keep in mind that this can vary based on the individual and the skin problem treated. 

For example, patients with moderate acne scars usually need three or four treatments. However, patients with deeper acne scars typically require more treatment sessions. For skin brightening and rejuvenation, patients may see results after a single session, but full benefits are achieved with three treatments.

The new collagen produced with each treatment lasts anywhere from two to five years. However, various factors, including diet, exercise, skincare, sun protection, number of treatments received, age, health, environmental factors, and areas treated, all influence the longevity of the treatment.

What to Expect

Before Your Treatment

• A full assessment is performed before your treatment to determine your needs.
• Schedule your treatment at least one week before any important event.
• If you get a breakout (acne or cold sore) in the treatment area, reschedule your appointment until it’s cleared up.
• Avoid anti-inflammatory medications such as Advil and Aleve for one week before treatment. 

During Your Treatment

• Arrive at the office with your face washed and without makeup
• A numbing cream will be applied to the treatment area to ensure minimal discomfort
• Most treatments are performed in under one hour

After Your Treatment

• Slightly warm pink skin which will resolve within 24 hours
• Some dry, peeling patches in treatment areas for 3-5 days
• Avoid makeup for 24 hours, then return to normal skincare and makeup routine

Treats Excessive Sweating from Hyperhidrosis